Today's Breckenridge Weather

Welcome to our Weather Station located in The Highlands in Breckenridge, Colorado (Elevation 9,750 feet)

Breckenridge is a cool, high alpine, low humidity environment. It receives an average of 20" of moisture over 90 days per year, including the moisture content of an average of 175" of snow in town (the ski resort averages ~300" measured near the base of Chair 6). Typically there are only 133 frost free days each year.

Weather records and data for the last week, month and monthly back to 2005 are available by clicking on the links on the bottom of the wine bottle.

The precipitation information shown here includes rainfall and the melted moisture content of snow. For the Breckenridge Ski Resort snow data, see their Snow & Weather Page or Snow Stake & Mountain Cams Page.

On July 18, 2011 Breckenridge recorded 3.63" of rain. While that may not be unusual for some places, it represented almost 20% of Breck's total annual precipitation in 4 hours, and broke the prior record of 2.6" set over 100 years ago in 1893. This and other records since 2005 are on the Monthly History page.

Click for some interesting graphs comparing Breckenridge & Denver average monthly weather. 4,500' of elevation differential makes a difference!

These pages are powered by WeatherCat software for Mac. The gauges update every 12 seconds (5x/minute). The balance of the page is updated every 15 minutes and was last updated at 07:39 PM on 02/22/25. This page can be accessed directly by bookmarking

Outside Temperature/Dew Pt Graph

Outside Humidity Graph Barometric Pressure Graph

Precipitation Graph High Wind Speed Graph

February so far has been...
	Warmer than average (25.27°F versus an average of 19.61)
	Drier than average (1.48 in versus an average total of 1.93)
	Calmer than average (a wind run of 894 miles versus an average of 1,587)
January was...
	Cooler than average (12.05°F versus an average of 17.82)
	Drier than average (1.07 in versus an average total of 2.05)
	Calmer than average (a wind run of 386 miles versus an average of 1,465)

Click arrow to update to real time video. View changes every 2 minutes.

Scroll & Drag map to Zoom & Pan


Click for full NWS Breckenridge Forecast

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